Getting Published
Every story needs a beginning. Also a middle and an end of course, but without a beginning the latter two tend to feel awkward and out of place, much like a penguin at a Marilyn Manson concert.
So this is the beginning. Well, technically not the beginning. The beginning probably happened last October, although depending on how you look at it, maybe it happened many years before that. My own, personal beginning happened over 25 years ago, but this story isn't about me. Not really anyway, I'm just a bit player here. My ego insists that I point out that it's a big bit but perhaps we shouldn't read too much into that.
The hero of this story is a story, a very different story to this one. The hero story involves vampires and werewolves, this one is very unlikely to do so unless things get really out of control. This story is the story of that story. This one really happened, or at least is happening right now.
Enough Rambling! I hear you cry. Not really of course, that was my paranoia. It's telling me that you've already got bored and moved on by now, that no-one will ever read what I write and that I have a poor taste in clothes. That's ok though, I'm used to that by now. But you want to know about the story, not this one, the story that this one is about.
This story is the literary equivalent of a teenager, that's not to say that it's currently sucking down bottles of white lightning in a park somewhere and throwing up on passers by. No, this story is a well behaved teenager. It was born out of a slightly sordid thought that crossed it's father's mind one dark evening. It's grown, developed. It's been sent to school and come back wiser and more complete. This story is ready to go out into the world and shout 'look at me, I'm really quite good aren't I?'
This is where we join this story, this story of a story. The story has been written, edited, re-written, sent out to a select group of people for criticism and comments. It has been re-written again, shouted at, had entire chapters torn out and destroyed and replaced with slightly better ones. This story is now complete and looking to make it's mark. It wants, even needs, to be published.
This, then, is the story of this story's journey on the road to publication. A road normally littered with obstacles and diversions, joy and heartache. How will it turn out? Who knows? I hope it has a happy ending, it's all true you know and I do like a happy ending.
So this is the beginning. Well, technically not the beginning. The beginning probably happened last October, although depending on how you look at it, maybe it happened many years before that. My own, personal beginning happened over 25 years ago, but this story isn't about me. Not really anyway, I'm just a bit player here. My ego insists that I point out that it's a big bit but perhaps we shouldn't read too much into that.
The hero of this story is a story, a very different story to this one. The hero story involves vampires and werewolves, this one is very unlikely to do so unless things get really out of control. This story is the story of that story. This one really happened, or at least is happening right now.
Enough Rambling! I hear you cry. Not really of course, that was my paranoia. It's telling me that you've already got bored and moved on by now, that no-one will ever read what I write and that I have a poor taste in clothes. That's ok though, I'm used to that by now. But you want to know about the story, not this one, the story that this one is about.
This story is the literary equivalent of a teenager, that's not to say that it's currently sucking down bottles of white lightning in a park somewhere and throwing up on passers by. No, this story is a well behaved teenager. It was born out of a slightly sordid thought that crossed it's father's mind one dark evening. It's grown, developed. It's been sent to school and come back wiser and more complete. This story is ready to go out into the world and shout 'look at me, I'm really quite good aren't I?'
This is where we join this story, this story of a story. The story has been written, edited, re-written, sent out to a select group of people for criticism and comments. It has been re-written again, shouted at, had entire chapters torn out and destroyed and replaced with slightly better ones. This story is now complete and looking to make it's mark. It wants, even needs, to be published.
This, then, is the story of this story's journey on the road to publication. A road normally littered with obstacles and diversions, joy and heartache. How will it turn out? Who knows? I hope it has a happy ending, it's all true you know and I do like a happy ending.